A waist trainer is a shapewear made from a plastic material that adjusts according to your body. They reduce the midsection waist and give a slimmer look. workouts with a waist trainer has its own pros and cons. Pros include improving posture, giving shape to the belly, and suppressing appetite. The cons include damage to internal organs, cause poor digestion by putting persistent pressure on the stomach and breathing issues due to shortness of breath and excess sweating.

workouts with a waist trainer

Your Fitness Home Is going to explain how Waist trainer gives you temporary weight loss and can be used for a short period of time. For a long period, it has adverse effects on human health.

Besides waist trainers, there are also different exercise machines to reduce fat and strengthen muscles. So you should go to do Workouts with a waist trainer. 

Smith Machine Leg Press

Smith machine leg press is a leg press that works perfectly for lower limbs by emphasising on the quads. This machine is also known as a knee extensor.

Working principle of Smith machine:

  1. Adjust the bar to 3 feet from the ground and adjust supine position with your feet.
  2. Hold out legs to lockout to remove safeties from the rack. Bar will go down by bending your knees and flexing your hips.
  3. Drag feet to the bar then exhale while extending knees and hips.
  4. Move lower back to the starting point slowly and repeat this process as much as you want.

Pros and Cons

The Smith machine leg press has its own pros and cons.

Pros include enhancing muscle size, especially in hips and knee area by providing stable and guided movement. Due to guided movement chances of injury are reduced. The cons include excess use of this machine, which causes lower back pain. Another con is the guided movement may not match with stabilizing muscle which leads to muscle imbalance.

workouts with a waist trainer

Leg Raising Machine

Leg raising machine is a popular machine in the gym that helps to build essential muscles in your legs such as quadriceps, gluteus maximus, and hamstrings. Besides lower limbs, it also works on the abdomen and rectus muscle. (Also see: Mike Mentzer Workout Routine PDF)

How it works:

  1. Sit on the machine in such a way that the back and head are aligned with padded support.
  2. Place feet on the footplate and the heel must be flat.
  3. The bottom should align with the seat.
  4. Legs should form an angle of 90 degrees.

Pros and Cons

Pros of leg raising machines include strengthening muscles and increasing the volume of quadriceps and other muscles which boost squat performance. Cons include high feet on the plate stress glutes which affect knees muscles. If the angle is less than 90 degrees it causes muscle cramps.

Smith Machine Leg Exercises

The Smith machine is used for vertical movement of the weight only. This machine has stoppers and safety hooks to avoid any incidents. It works well for back squats, front squats, split squats, and hip thrusts by exerting pressure on the quadriceps, glutes, and spinal erectors.

How it works:

  1. Set the Smith machine at a low position.
  2. Place a weight bench opposite to the machine.
  3. Place your upper back and shoulder on the bench.
  4. Bend knees and place feet on the floor.
  5. Place the machine bar in your hip crease then slide your hip in an upward direction.

Pros and Cons

Pros include muscle strength and hypertrophy, performing 3-5 sets of 8-12 repetitions under slow and controlled repetition. It improves muscle hypertrophy. 

Cons include exercise doing this machine is less effective as muscles are not activated the way other machines activate. (Also read: Does Pre Workout Break A Fast)

Exercise Leg Machine

Exercise leg machines are a group of machines that strengthen the muscles of calves, glutes, quads, hamstrings, abductors, and adductors, knee to chest. 

How it works:

  1. Leg press machines work by placing your foot’s shoulder on the platform. Exhale while pushing the platform away which will protect your lower back, spine and ribs. Inhale while returning to the original position. Make an angle of 90 degrees.
  2. The leg curl machine works by pushing the padded bar down with legs. Pause at the top, and raise your lower back slowly to the starting position.

Pros and cons

Pros include help in building muscle, recovery, losing weight and increasing muscle strength.

Cons include doing exercise less than 90 degrees damaging your lower back and causing pain.

Back Workouts With Smith Machine

A healthy and strong back is essential to carry out any sort of exercise. Exercises strengthen your whole body. The best way to attain an effective back workout is a Smith machine back exercises and other related exercises.

How it works:

  1. During the back workout with a smith machine, put the barbell across the shoulders leaving the hips and knees to slowly flex unless the thighs are in a parallel position to the floor. 
  2. This process is done by extending the hips and knees unless reaching the starting position, with stress on keeping the back flat, the heels on the floor, and the knees aligned over the feet.

Pros and Cons

Pros of the smith machine involve different muscles from the body simultaneously which strengthens back muscles and other muscles of the body. Another pro is guided movement and adjustable safety catches reduce the risk of back injury while doing squats. 

Cons include back injury if you don’t follow guided movement.


In this brief review, we have brought the fact into light that waist trainers provide temporary waist-slimming effects. Therefore workouts with a waist trainer may not helpful in weight loss. There are alot of associated risks, including breathing difficulties, digestion issues, and organ damage due to long-term use.

A person must consider sustainable dietary and exercise changes along with waist trainers.


Is A Waist Trainer Effective For Fat Loss?

Waist trainers will not reduce body fat, it just compresses the fat around the abdomen. It changes the position of internal organs.

Is A Waist Trainer Safe During Exercise?

For long term, waist trainers are not safe. It may damage internal organs and lead to digestive issues. During exercise, it may cause shortness of breath by not getting enough oxygn

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